Travels & Thoughts

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Apple Computers

To those few Macintosh users out there, (or the slightly larger percentage in the music industry)- I would like to tell how great the new MacBook Pro really is- even if its got a little Intel in it. I've been using Macs for 12 years, from the Performa 68000, Apple IICs, Powerbook 150, iMac, eMac, iBook, Powerbooks and now this beast. Now in college, I have full ownership of my Mac, and I take great pride in doing so.

Not only is is perfect for running Ableton Live, Reason, ProTools and any other recording software, but it is much easier than using the same software on PCs. being able to start so easily and have the MacBook Pro recognize the MIDI controller and FireWire output would equate to a half hour search for the drivers, installation and rebooting on a similar PC.

Included at a discount was of course the "free" iPod offer, where you get a $179 rebate towards any iPod. Being a content 1G Shuffle user, I decided I wanted a 30G iPod. From the regular price of $299 I got it for $90 with the rebate! I am thrilled. Just as amazing was the deal I got on the RAM upgrade. Certainly the 512 MB included does itself worthy, but I was looking for 1G total. Well the Apple Store at Crossgates was out of additional 512 memory, so they offered the additional 1G at half price! Only $150 bucks.

As I booted up, I was promted with the choice to transfer data from another Mac. I found my Firewire 400 cable and set it to work. 31 Gigabytes and about 1 hour later, my MB was looking just like my eMac interface. Very efficient how it just transferred everything. No more repeated updates.

Also a revolutionary event of the day was the installation of the wireless network in our house. WIth the AirPort Express and Extreme Card (for the eMac) it was running in half an hour. Still cannot get the printer to work...but we have 3 printers so I think we'll live.

Here's the picture:


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